Is Paddleboarding Difficult (Answered)

To be honest here…this is a bit like asking “How long is a piece of string?”

Difficulty depends on so many factors including individual skills, weight and health, mental determination of the individual, paddleboard type, and so on.

Generally speaking however, paddleboarding is NOT DIFFICULT! compared to any number of other water pursuits. For a reasonably fit person using a good quality paddleboard of the correct dimensions, paddling on a smooth surface, paddle boarding is not hard – in fact it is a fairly easy sport to master for both men and women.

So that was the quick answer to the question, but as usual there are many other factors to take into account before you rush away to buy your own paddleboard!

What Paddle Board should a beginner use?

Most beginners to SUP (Stand Up Paddleboarding) choose an inflatable board. In fact many experienced paddlers choose the iSUP over the hard board.

In relative terms an inflatable paddleboard is more convenient and lighter than a hard composite board. More on the difference between hard or inflatable boards in this post.

Once you have chosen the type of paddleboard then the correct dimensions is also important. Most boards for the adult boarder are 10 – 11 foot long by 30-33 inches wide.

The wider boards tend to give more stability and so are easier to use for a beginner, especially when paddleboarding in the open ocean, whilst the shorter boards are more manoeuvrable and favoured by more experienced paddlers.

How hard is it to stand up on a paddle board?

inflatable sup
Inflatable SUP with safety leash and paddles

As they say – it is easy when you know how! Joking apart, any newbie to paddleboarding is usually able to stand up after their first lesson.

All boarders start by taking a kneeling position on the board to begin with. One the balancing issues have been sorted out, then a stand-up position is achieved by putting one foot forward then evenly rising to a standing position.

This is best practiced in shallow, still water perhaps waist height until the user is confident in the procedure – and of course a PSD (personal safety device) should always be worn.

Balancing whilst standing upright will soon become second nature and you will be able to relax and enjoy the views!

Is it hard to fall off a paddle board?

Actually the paddleboard platform is surprisingly stable if the weather and wave conditions are smooth.

Falling of a paddleboard is usually caused by over-reaching or just the weather conditions. The board surface is designed to be non-slip and even bare feet get a good grip of the surface so sliding of the board is difficult to say the least.

Within a short time a user can become very proficient even in mildly rough conditions. In fact some paddleboarders even do white water paddling!

Is Paddleboarding harder than Kayaking?

Personally I think that paddleboarding is the easiest choice. But to be fair I think that there is not a lot between them – depending on what exactly you intend to do on your paddleboard or Kayak.

For example. If you want to go ‘white water’ down a turbulent river, then kayaking is definitely the easiest choice.

However in still or gentle waters then the paddleboard could be the better choice if all you want is a gentle stroll along the water to take in the scenery.

The SUP paddleboarder in this instance also gets a far better view of the surroundings (standing up remember). The view from a kayak is by its very nature somewhat restricted to just above the waterline.

As for the physical aspect of propulsion though, the paddleboard is definitely more of a workout for the legs, arms and core than the kayak which is more an upper body thing for the average user.

paddle boarding is not hard
Paddle boards all inflated – now for the next SUP adventure!

Should you wear shoes when paddle boarding?

Strictly speaking there is no real need to wear shoes when on the paddle board as the boards are designed to be used bare-footed and so have plenty of grip on them.

However, I find that it is always best to have something on your feet when boarding. This is not needed for the board itself, but rather for your journey to the board along a rocky, sharp surface for example.

There is no need however for expensive water-shoes (unless you really want to spend money on looking good).

A kayaking instructor I recently spoke to, advised me just to get a pair of neoprene socks and a cheap pair of sneakers to throw away when they were done!

He had tried everything on the market over the years and that option was the best in his experience over many years on the job.

paddleboarding fun

Some beginner tips for paddle boarding

  • To help with balance when standing up, don’t look down at the board or water. Instead fix your eyes on a point in the distance and head towards it.
  • Keep to the center of the board. Too far forward will tip the point into the water making paddling more effort. Stand too far back and the front will rise up making it difficult to steer.
  • Before attempting to stand balance first with one knee on the board before lifting to a standing position
  • Posture is important for balance and paddling. When SUP paddleboarding – especially doing Yoga – , keep your core firm with a slight flex at the knee joints.
  • It is easier to take a standing position whilst the board has slight forward motion.
  • Make sure your paddle blade is pointed in the right direction. The curve of the blade should be pointed to the front. Most blades have their logo on the part that should be pointed to the front of the board.
  • When paddleing do not reach too far forward, and lift you paddle from the water when it comes level with your leg. Pulling it behind you is making life harder and counter-productive.

In Summary:

SUP evening celebrations

From my own experience and that of my friends I have to say that Paddleboarding is not difficult at all. True it may be a slight challenge for the first time on the water, but otherwise it is easier to learn than peddling a bicycle for the first time!

Above all remember – Paddleboarding is great fun! It is excellent for stress relief and also makes for a great workout.

While it is true that paddle boards can be used for many different disciplines such as Yoga, Pilates, Meditation, Fishing, Hunting and many others – I use it mainly for social & leisure pursuits.

I often just together with family or a group of friends and have a barbeque down by the waters edge. Watch nature. Relax – Enjoy!

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