Can You Fish From An Inflatable Paddle Board?

Absolutely YES! Paddleboarding has become an amazingly popular leisure activity in the last few years for a number of reasons, not the least of them being versatility and the fact that you can fish from a paddle board as well as pursue other leisure activities such as Yoga or meditation or just good old sightseeing!

Fishing from paddleboards has also become extremely popular whether for game fishing, flyfishing for trout and salmon, or course fishing for Black Bass, Carp, Pike, or whatever you fancy.

It’s fair to say that the inflatable paddle board has opened up a whole new world of opportunities for the fisherman of all types.

Why in particular the inflatable board? The biggest advantage I can see for myself is the fact that you do not have to wrestle with tying a Kayak (for example) onto a roof-rack or trailer. The inflatable paddleboard kit packs neatly into a large backpack. This means that not only can you shove it into the trunk of the car – you can also trek off-road and fish in more remote areas where fewer fisherfolks have been before!

Is a Paddleboard better than a Kayak to fish from?

This is a commonly asked question and my own answer would be a resounding YES for the following reasons.

  • Height advantage: With the paddle board and the ability to stand upright (SUP) you have the immediate advantage over the Kayak user in that you can see much further across the water. This of course means that you can spot fish activity from far off. Not so for the Kayak user who is basically looking from the waterline and so ‘visually impaired’ in a way. To be fair, some may argue that the fish can also see the paddleboard user as they stick out like a sore thumb and chase away the fish! Fair comment. However personally if I am fishing for more nervous fish varieties like brook trout, once I have spotted the activity I then go onto my knees or even lie down flat. This means I can then approach in ‘stealth mode’ to get within range.
  • Accessibility of equipment: You would think that a Kayak would have the advantage here – but not so! The fact is that while it is true you can pack a lot more into a Kayak or canoe, most of it is inaccessible or out of reach. This kind off defeats the purpose in a way. Couple that with the fact that the paddle board has accessible tie-downs with bungee ropes, and some even come supplied with accessories especially aimed at anglers – the paddleboard wins again!
  • Paddleboarding is an Excellent workout! Yes it’s true. Paddleboarding is great for the core, leg, and arm muscles – my wife swears that her under-arm ‘chicken wings’ have all but vanished thanks to her paddleboarding activities. She was just recently boasting of her new arm profile – check it out in the image!
paddleboard workout
It can be a good workout for the arms, legs, and core on a Paddleboard

Can a fishing hook pierce a paddle board?

Whilst in theory it is possible to pierce a iSUP with a fish-hook, in practice it is highly improbable and I have not heard of a single case where this has happened. The fact is that the plastic on paddleboards is very tough and it would take a large hook (marlin maybe?) and a LOT of pressure for it to pierce the board.

Inflatable SUP’s are made either from multiple layers of fabric stitched and coated (strongest), or a single layer coated and drop-stitched for strength. Either one is more than capable of dealing with a small fish hook. More info on paddleboard construction here

Is it safe to SUP fish in deep water?

Absolutely! Just remember the basic safety rules when fishing in deep water especially. Safety vest or personal flotation device (PDF), emergency whistle (a legal requirement in many countries) and most definitely a leash that attaches to your ankle or waist.

If you do fall off your board the last thing you want is for it to get carried away from you in a current or strong wind. The results could be life-threatening. Safety first – always! There is also the danger of a rogue board in rough water badly injuring someone.

If you are a beginner to paddleboarding then deep or rough water may not be advisable – just until you get the hang of things and have the whole balance issue sorted out! Check out my tips for the paddleboard beginner here.

Also do be aware of the dangers in shark or crocodile waters. The idea is that you are out to catch the fish – not the other way around. Ok so they are not fish technically – but you get the idea I’m sure 🙂

shark paddleboard
There cannot be many things scarier than loking down on a large shark from your paddleboard!

Are there paddle boards for anglers?

Yes indeed there is a significant range of iSUP especially with the angler in mind. They all tend to be slightly broader (about 34 inches) for better stability. Some are even doubled up like a catamaran like the L2Fish paddle board. Sure enough it’s not an inflatable SUP but instead is a solid board with a hollow core – looks impressive though!

Other boards aimed at anglers come with accessories like rod racks, cooler packs, swivel seats and even small electric motors for the super-lazy!

Paddle pockets, bungee cords, and multiple D rings are also included in many fishing SUP’s for attaching auxiliary equipment to your board.

A good pump and repair kit are also essential items to have at hand – especially if the water you are fishing is in a remote area.

If you are looking for a specialised fishing SUP that I would check out the Sea Eagle Fish SUP. It comes with many options or add-ons and is a great choice for the serious SUP angler.

Check out their website here (not an affiliate link).

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